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Adoption Application

When you adopt a cat from us your new furry friend will have seen a vet, been treated for worms, ticks, fleas and ear mites, vaccinated, microchipped and spayed or neutered. 

Adult cat adoption fee (9 months+) : $250
Kitten adoption fee (-9 months) : $300

Exotic Breed fee: $500

Age group: (Must be over 21 years old)
Have your children been exposed to cats before?
Are any members of your household allergic to cats?
What type of home do you live in?
Are your current pets spayed or neutered?
Are all of your pets’ vaccines currently up-to-date?
Do you plan to keep the cat(s) indoors?
Employment : Are you financially able to meet all needs from daily care to unexpected vet expenses that may occur for this adoption?
Do you currently have a vet or have reached out to a vet to take on a new client?
Can we contact you current vet?
By clicking 'send' do you agree to having answered all of these questions truthfully or to the best of your ability?

Thank you for submitting your application. Please expect a phone call within 24 hours

Adoption Application: Adoption Application
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